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Our Recent Posts

Our vision, perspective and goal
Here is Ithaka. The way we see it, this is not a project. This is not a peer-to-peer platform. This is you and me creating a world that...

To dear locals: introduction to our rewards system
Dear locals: Thank you for coming to Ithaka blog. We understand that the you are busy.You have your work, your friends and your family....

Why not come and try our “pilot” skill-exchange events?
“Pilot” are organized at the moment of the launch of the project, in order to try-out and show how the idea is actually put into action....

Where you can find and know about us?
Our communication strategy is to make Ithaka nearer to your home. We face to the locals and the refugees, which is two-fold. Surely, we...

First post: what is Ithaka
In the era of division and polarisation, it is time we return to our human essence of integration and unity. Through the marriage of...

Our manifesto
StartFragmentA poem from C. Kavafis inspired us to name and define this project. Indeed. refugees have lived a true odyssey, many have...
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